Lars Wedin

Captain Lars Wedin (retired) was appointed an officer in the Swedish Navy in 1969. A surface officer, he served on destroyers and fast-patrol boats and commanded several times at sea. He is a graduate from the Swedish and French naval war colleges. Wedin later served as a military advisor in the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and as Chief of Concepts Branch in the EU Military Staff. His last appointment in uniform was as director of military history. Since retiring in 2004, he has worked as an independent researcher specialising in general and maritime strategy. He has written several books, among them <em>Maritime Strategies for the 21st Century:The Contribution by Admiral Castex</em>. Wedin is a member of the Royal Swedish Society of Naval Sciences, an associate member of the French Acad̩mie de marine, and a silver member of the US Naval Institute.
Baird Maritime / Work Boat World