Irish-Portuguese partnership to collaborate on Atlantic Ocean marine research

Photo: Marine Institute
Photo: Marine Institute
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The Marine Institute of Ireland (MI) and Portuguese marine science organisation Instituto Portugues do Mar e da Atmosfera (IPMA) have entered into a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the aim of enhancing cooperation in the Atlantic Ocean area, particularly in relation to strategic cooperation on marine research.

The duration of the agreement is five years, with an option to renew for a similar period. A joint MI-IPMA Working Group will be set up in September to implement and steer the MOU.

The implementation of cooperation within the MOU's framework will include capacity building, training and exchange of expertise and staff, and developing strategic alliances to build research proposals. It will also include conducting joint research projects and co-organisation of conferences, seminars and workshops.

The areas covered by the MOU are multi-faceted and will include the following:

  • Marine environmental monitoring
  • Harmful algae bloom, toxins and forecasting
  • Aquaculture and farmed fish/shellfish health
  • Marine spatial planning
  • New seafood products
  • New approaches to improve seafood quality and safety
  • Fisheries and marine science cooperation within in the framework of International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES)
  • Marine research infrastructures
  • Renewable energy science and technology
  • Promotion of joint, high-level scientific publications
  • Promotion of common and joint leadership opportunities in the All-Atlantic Ocean Research and Innovation Alliance

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