Odfjell Terminals to expand Rotterdam jetty capacity

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Odfjell Terminals Rotterdam will be expanding its jetty capacity in collaboration with the Port of Rotterdam Authority.

The jetty will be extended and reinforced so it can accommodate vessels in the LR2 (Large Range 2) size range with a maximum deadweight of 160,000DWT.

The authority will be deepening the port basin to a depth of 15 metres to ensure LR2 vessels can access Derde Petroleumhaven, where the Odfjell facility is located.

Port of Rotterdam Authority Chief Operations Officer Ronald Paul said the expansion was in line with the port's plans to revitalise the Botlek area, which will include Nieuwe Waterweg being deepened by Rijkswaterstaat this year.

Odfjell expects the jetty work to be completed in the final quarter of 2018.

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