Tanker, coal carrier collide off Cavite, Philippines

Photo: Philippine Coast  Guard
Photo: Philippine Coast Guard
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The Philippine Coast Guard has deployed vessels and personnel in response to a collision incident between two foreign-flagged commercial ships in the waters off Cavite City just outside Manila on Wednesday, April 7.

The coast guard said the Thai-registered tanker Rich Rainbow was sailing for China with a cargo of petrol when it collided with the Marshall Islands-flagged coal carrier Ivy Alliance as the latter was entering Philippine waters after having earlier departed Indonesia.

The incident occurred at approximately 21:50 local time on Wednesday.

The impact left both vessels severely damaged above their respective waterlines, the coal carrier suffering a wrecked bow and the tanker with a 20-metre-long gash along its starboard hull.

<em>Photo: Philippine Coast Guard</em>
Photo: Philippine Coast Guard

No injuries or oil spills were reported despite the damage suffered by both vessels.

The coast guard said that the two ships and their crews will be detained by Port State Control authorities as part of the investigation into the mishap.

The multi-role response vessel (MRRV) BRP Malabrigo and its crew have remained in the area and are continuing to monitor the situation.

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