OBITUARY | Spyros Polemis, former Chairman of Intercargo and the International Chamber of Shipping

Spyros M Polemis InterCargo International Chamber of Shipping
Dr Spyros M Polemis, former Chairman of InterCargo and the International Chamber of ShippingAndros Maritime Association
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The International Association of Dry Cargo Shipowners (Intercargo) has confirmed the sad news of the recent passing of its former Chairman Dr Spyros M Polemis at the age of 86. Dr Polemis was also chair of the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) from 2006 to 2012.

Prior to assuming the chairmanship of ICS, Dr Polemis had already served on the chamber's board as a representative of the Union of Greek Shipowners for many years. Before this, he was with InterCargo, serving as Vice Chairman from 1990 to 1994 and then Chairman from 1994 to 1996.

Dr Polemis was President of the International Shipping Federation before its merger with ICS, which he oversaw, in 2011. He was also the Chairman and Managing Director of Seacrest Shipping, a London-based representative of a large group of shipping interests.

Dr Polemis was educated in his native Greece as well as in the UK and the United States, where he obtained a Degree in Mechanical Engineering, majoring in Naval Architecture from Stevens Institute of Technology in New Jersey. His other chairmanship positions include those with the ABS UK National Committee and the Newcastle P&I Association.

ICS Secretary General Guy Platten said in a statement that the former chairman was "a tireless advocate for shipping, and the maintenance of global rules for a global industry."

"He was passionate about crew welfare and maritime safety, with a deep knowledge of the technical issues being addressed by IMO in the early 2000s, such as improvements to bulk carrier safety and the accelerated phase-out of single hull tankers," added Mr Platten. "He was also one of the original industry advocates for a 'levy' on shipping’s greenhouse gas emissions, which became a key ICS policy position under his chairmanship."

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