Fesco to supply India’s research stations in Antarctica in 2020

Fesco to supply India’s research stations in Antarctica in 2020
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Russia's Fesco Transportation Group and the National Center for Polar and Ocean Research (NCPOR) of the Ministry of Earth Sciences of India have extended the contract for supplying India's research stations in Antarctica.

The icebreaking cargo ship Vasiliy Golovnin will deliver general cargo, food products and fuel to the Bharati and Maitri stations during Antarctica's summer in 2019-2020. Scientists of the National Center for Polar and Ocean Research will also join the expedition.

The ship will start its voyage in December 2019.

Under the previous contract, in 2019, Vasiliy Golovnin, with two helicopters and a self-propelled barge, were used to deliver more than 4,000 tonness of cargo to the Bharati and Maitri stations, to transport household and industrial waste, and to transfer two Indian members of the expedition for replacement.

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