ESL Shipping subsidiary christens newest hybrid cargo vessel
Christening of Stellamar at Ystad, Sweden, August 30, 2024AtoB@C Shipping

ESL Shipping subsidiary christens newest hybrid cargo vessel

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ESL Shipping’s Swedish subsidiary AtoB@C Shipping has named its newest cargo vessel in a ceremony in Ystad on Friday, August 30. Built by Indian shipyard Chowgule and Company, Stellamar belongs to a series of 12 89.95-metre, 5,350DWT plug-in hybrid vessels designed to carry a wide range of bulk and breakbulk products including steel, forest products, fertiliser, and project cargo.

Design work on Stellamar and its sisters was undertaken by Netherlands-based SMB Naval Architects. The series was developed to be capable of generating up to 50 per cent fewer CO2 emissions compared to the present generation of vessels, thanks to its shore power connectivity, large battery installation, and improved cargo intake.

The vessel is fitted with a 1MWh energy storage system with peak-shaving capability (levelling the load of the main engine to enable fuel savings) and the ability to allow fully electric navigation for a maximum of two hours, making it ideal for use in ports with emissions regulations.

There are two provision cranes located on top of the gantry crane. These can lift heavy tools/equipment to and from the aft store and between the shore and the cargo hold. Ventilators and dehumidifiers are also fitted to control the interior environment in the hold.

The hold is equipped with a fixed high-pressure wash system with both hot and cold water located at the lower entrances. The vessel is also equipped with a separate collecting tank for hold wash water, eliminating the need for the water to be discharged to the sea. The water will instead be discharged into shore reception facilities.

Frida Rowland, Commercial Director of AtoB@C Shipping, said Stellamar will operate mainly in contract traffic for large Nordic companies in the Baltic Sea and the North Sea with some contract trade all the way to the Bay of Biscay.

Baird Maritime / Work Boat World