Eight Vietnamese sailors arrested for alleged illegal fishing in Tawi-Tawi, Philippines

Photo: Armed Forces of the Philippines
Photo: Armed Forces of the Philippines
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Philippine law enforcement officials have apprehended the crew of a vessel suspected of illegal fishing in the waters off the country's southernmost province of Tawi-Tawi.

The boat was sighted by personnel from the Philippine National Police on the morning (local time) of Friday, April 3, while its crew were engaged in fishing activities between Tawi-Tawi's Tanganak and Boan islands.

The police were assisting local officials in delivering food and other supplies to some outlying island communities when they chanced upon the suspect vessel, prompting them to approach it to conduct an inspection.

The fishermen were taken into custody after the police confirmed that all eight were Vietnamese nationals. However, the boat, identified by the name Amina VIII, was later found to be registered locally and had been traced to a Filipino owner.

Charges of illegal poaching are set to be filed against the apprehended fishermen.

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