Israel signs MoU to buy Dolphin-class subs from Germany

The Israeli Defence Forces are expanding their fleet of submarines. Image: IDF
The Israeli Defence Forces are expanding their fleet of submarines. Image: IDF
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Image: IDF – The Israeli Defence Forces are expanding their fleet of submarines.
Image: IDF – The Israeli Defence Forces are expanding their fleet of submarines.

Israel has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) relating to the purchase of more Dolphin-class submarines from Germany.

"The MoU is strategically important to the security of Israel. Its signing reflects the commitment of Germany and Chancellor Angela Merkel to the security of Israel and the deep cooperation between the two countries," Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said.

The Jewish Telegraphic Agency reports the three submarines from German firm ThyssenKrupp would cost US$2.3 billion, and enter service from 2027.

Dolphin-class submarines have the capacity to carry up to 16 surface-to-surface missiles or torpedoes.

They are equipped with 10 bow torpedo tubes, including four 650mm-diameter units that provide the capability to launch swimmer delivery vehicles (SDVs).

The submarines can also be armed with mines and feature a wet and dry compartment for deploying underwater swimmers.

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