Second Zumwalt-class destroyer (DDG 1001) starts sea trials

USS Zumwalt passes the future Michael Monsoor at Bath Iron Works shipyard at Maine. dcca011eac737955750c5f2f4e56b627
USS Zumwalt passes the future Michael Monsoor at Bath Iron Works shipyard at Maine. dcca011eac737955750c5f2f4e56b627
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USS Zumwalt passes the future Michael Monsoor at Bath Iron Works shipyard at Maine.
USS Zumwalt passes the future Michael Monsoor at Bath Iron Works shipyard at Maine.

The US Navy's Zumwalt-class destroyer Michael Monsoor (DDG 1001) has left Maine-based Bath Iron Works to start its first round of sea trials.

Launched and christened at the General Dynamics shipyard in June 2016, DDG 1001 will undergo a series of trials before being officially handed over to the US Navy and christened in 2018.

The largest destroyer the US Navy has built, the 185.9-metre Zumwalt class features an electric propulsion system and wave-piercing tumblehome hull.

The lead ship in the class, USS Zumwalt, was commissioned in October 2016. It displaces more than 14,000 tonnes.

The future Michael Monsoor is the second of three vessels in the class.

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