More orders for French Gowind corvettes

ENS El Fateh. 1148c0c947ba828ea344776aa0a78f01
ENS El Fateh. 1148c0c947ba828ea344776aa0a78f01
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ENS El Fateh.
ENS El Fateh.

The United Arab Emirates Navy has ordered two Gowind corvettes from French shipbuilder Naval Group.

French president Emmanuel Macron announced the order in Dubai.

Naval Group, which was formerly known as DCNS, already has contracts to construct a total of 10 Gowind corvettes for the Egyptian Navy and Royal Malaysian Navy.

The Egyptian Navy has four 102-metre-long Gowind 2500 corvettes on order. The first, ENS El Fateh, was completed in France and delivered in September. The remainder will be built in Alexandria, Egypt.

All six of the 111-metre-long Royal Malaysian Navy's ships will be built by the Malaysian Boustead Naval Shipyard. The first littoral combat ship was launched in August.

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