Independence-variant LCS completes acceptance trials

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The seventh Independence-variant littoral combat ship (LCS) built by Austal USA has successfully completed acceptance trials in the Gulf of Mexico.

Acceptance trials are the last significant milestone before delivery of the trimaran ship, the 128.4- by 31.5-metre Manchester (LCS 14), in early 2018. 

Austal has delivered six Independence-variant LCS. LCS 14 is the second Independence-variant LCS Austal has delivered in six months.

An additional seven LCS are under construction at Austal USA.

Tulsa (LCS 16), Charleston (LCS 18) and Cincinnati (LCS 20) are preparing for trials. Final assembly is well underway on Kansas City (LCS 22) and Oakland (LCS 24) and the first aluminium was cut on the future USS Mobile (LCS 26) last month.

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