General Dynamics delivers expeditionary sea base to US Navy

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The US Navy's Military Sealift Command has accepted the delivery of its fourth expeditionary sea base, future USNS Hershel "Woody" Williams, from General Dynamics NASSCO.

Construction of the 238.9-metre ship began in October 2015 and involved more than 21,000 tonnes of steel.

Delivered after the completion of sea trials from January 15-19, the ship can assist in air mine counter measures, counter-piracy operations, maritime security operations, humanitarian aid, disaster relief missions and Marine Corps crisis response.

Testing included calibration of the ship's navigational and propulsion systems, and demonstrations of the ship's anchor handling, fire fighting and damage control, aviation, navigation and communication equipment.

The shipyard said construction of ESB 5, the future USNS Miguel Keith, is 60 per cent complete and will be delivered to the Navy in March 2019.

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