Damen to perform MLU on Dutch naval vessels

HNLMS Pelikaan a024bfe2d251f38095b6f98072329d73
HNLMS Pelikaan a024bfe2d251f38095b6f98072329d73
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HNLMS Pelikaan
HNLMS Pelikaan

Damen Shipyards Den Helder has been awarded a contract by the Netherlands Ministry of Defence for the midlife upkeep (MLU) of three Royal Netherlands Navy vessels.

The support ship HNLMS Pelikaan (pictured) and the hydrographic survey vessels HNLMS Snellius and HNLMS Luymes will undergo extensive maintenance and modernisation under the contract.

The scope of work that the Damen yard will perform will include equipping the vessels with new hull plating, renewal of radars and communications equipment, and maintenance of the ship's systems, along with regular maintenance.

Work on the project will commence later this year and is expected to be completed by 2021. Work will be distributed between Damen Shipyards Den Helder and Damen Shiprepair Harlingen.

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