Philippine public works chief proposes skimmer boats for Manila Bay cleanup

Manila Bay Image: Wikimedia Commons/Elmer nev valenzuela
Manila Bay Image: Wikimedia Commons/Elmer nev valenzuela
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Image: Wikimedia Commons/Elmer nev valenzuela – Manila Bay
Image: Wikimedia Commons/Elmer nev valenzuela – Manila Bay

The head of the Philippine Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) has proposed the procurement of skimmer boats which will be used to rid Manila Bay of rubbish.

In a speech last Sunday, January 27, DPWH Secretary Mark Villar also stated that the boats should have a secondary oil spill cleanup capability but gave no other details of the proposed acquisition.

The procurement, which is still subject to legislative approval, falls under the Philippine government's long-term plan for rehabilitating the portions of Manila Bay that have become heavily polluted over the years.

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