Daniel Lacson Jr, former President of Philippine shipping company Negros Navigation
Daniel Lacson Jr, former President of Philippine shipping company Negros Navigation

OBITUARY | Daniel Lacson Jr, former President of Philippines’ Negros Navigation

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Daniel Lacson Jr, the former Chairman and President of Philippine cargo and passenger shipping company Negros Navigation (NN; now operating as the 2GO Group), died on Friday, September 6, at the age of 77 following a long illness.

Lacson’s time with NN began in 1979, when he was appointed the dual roles of Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer. He eventually became President and later Chairman of NN in the 1990s, during which time the company also introduced fast ferries in its fleet after having earlier operated large Ro-Pax and Ro-Ro vessels on inter-island routes in the Visayas provinces for many years.

Lacson also participated in local politics. He first left NN in April 1986 after being appointed Governor of his home province of Negros Occidental by then-Philippine President Corazon Aquino. He was re-elected to a second term but opted not to run for a third term in 1992, deciding instead to return to the private sector by securing an appointment as President of NN where he later became its Chair.

Lacson’s work experience also included stints as the President of Philippine National Bank and later of the Government Service Insurance System.

Baird Maritime / Work Boat World