Damen and HST sign contract for second fast crew supplier

HST Hudson 055b63b22b9b2ae0e7eb6d53719261cc
HST Hudson 055b63b22b9b2ae0e7eb6d53719261cc
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HST Hudson
HST Hudson

Damen Shipyards Group signed a contract with High Speed Transfers (HST) for a second fast crew boat in a series on Wednesday, September 26.

The vessel's design is upgraded to deliver more flexibility, more tank capacity, greater deck space, increased comfort, and more accommodation compared to its predecessor. These were achieved by increasing the length and height of the vessel above water by one metre.

The increased height will also enable the vessel to operate in wave heights over two metres.

The new FCS will be named HST Sofia. It will be a sister vessel to HST Hudson (pictured), which was delivered by Damen in July 2018.

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Baird Maritime / Work Boat World