Aberdeen Harbour unveils floating pontoon

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Construction of a purpose-built floating crew transfer pontoon at Aberdeen Harbour has been completed by Swedish energy firm Vattenfall.

The 180-square-metre pontoon can accommodate up to three crew transfer vessels at any one time.

The 30-metre pontoon has been built at Commercial Quay West as part of a 24-year agreement with the harbour board.

It will be used to support construction of Vattenfall's European Offshore Wind Deployment Centre (EOWDC) and then as a marine support base for its operations and maintenance (O&M) program.

Crew movements will peak during the commissioning period, the operations activity and in the summer for planned maintenance. The crew transfer pontoon comes with a dedicated secure access ramp leading to a 26-metre bridge section for safe access.

Secured by three 24-metre, 914mm-diameter steel piles anchored into the seabed, it is outfitted with a lighting array to facilitate 24-hour operation, mains power and safety and survival equipment. 

The pontoon was designed and installed by Scottish-based companies.

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