AWARDS 2019 | Best OSV – Large WFSV – MHO Esbjerg – Bintang Timur Samudera / Incat Crowther

AWARDS 2019 | Best OSV – Large WFSV – MHO Esbjerg – Bintang Timur Samudera / Incat Crowther
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The global offshore wind farm boom continues. Inevitably, that means that the demand for wind farm service vessels follows. The boom started in northern Europe, moved to North America and is now, apparently, spreading into South-East Asia. This where Bintang Timur Samudera comes in. A fine example of this new breed, designed by Incat Crowther, it seems likely to soon be followed by a number of new sister-ships.

MHO Esbjerg has increased the ability to service further offshore, in greater sea conditions and with larger carrying capacity, and is working well having already been approved for transfers in significant wave heights exceeding two metres. She draws on Incat Crowther's experience with larger offshore fast catamarans operating in the oil and gas industry

"This vessel is the first in its size in the world," Bintang Timur Samudera Director Hendra Prawiro told Baird Maritime. "With all the space and equipment to support the wind farm industry I believe there will be a high demand for this type and size in the future.

"Before the owner chose us, he had been all over the world to find a good quality aluminium ship builder with reasonable costs, however no companies satisfied these requirements, then he was referred to us and he found what he was looking for."

Prawiro said that 2019 has been slow for Bintang Timur Samudera, perhaps due to the belief that the world economy is facing recession, and so many companies are holding back on purchasing new vessels. However, he still believes the aluminium boat market, especially in Indonesia and South East Asia, will pick up soon.

"I see the potential of the WFSV industry improving pretty soon," Prawiro added. "I have noticed that most first world countries are into renewable energy options, and this will result in demand for vessels to transport crews and equipment."

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