Fugro completes first of three seep hunting campaigns for Petronas

Fugro Equator d0fa607db380896126161092024a2860
Fugro Equator d0fa607db380896126161092024a2860
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Fugro Equator
Fugro Equator

Fugro has successfully completed the first of three Malaysian seep hunting and geochemical campaigns for the Provision of Surface Geochemical Survey for Domestic Waters for Petronas, the company said in a release dated June 14.

The first project, offshore Sabah, began on December 21, 2018, aboard Fugro Equator (pictured), which acquired geophysical data including multibeam echosounder (MBES) and sub-bottom profiler (SBP) data used to interpret geologic features and optimise target selection for geochemical sampling. Targeted coring operations and shipboard geochemical analyses started on January 6, 2019, aboard Fugro Equinox and was completed on March 20.

Over 6,600 square kilometres of MBES data comprised of bathymetry, backscatter intensity, and water column, approximately 2,245 line kilometres of SBP data and 281 geochemical cores were acquired. Shipboard geochemical results for headspace gas, total scanning fluorescence, and extracted hydrocarbon gas chromatography (C15+) were carried out on more than 550 samples taken from acquired cores.

The second seep hunting and geochemical campaign for Petronas began in May 2019 and is taking place offshore Sarawak whereas the third campaign will be focused off the Straits of Malacca in the fourth quarter of 2019.

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