Royal IHC delivers TSHD to Dutch Dredging

Royal IHC delivers TSHD to Dutch Dredging
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Image: MTG Dolphin
Image: MTG Dolphin

Royal IHC handed over the custom-built 2,300-cubic-metre trailing suction hopper dredger (TSHD) Lesse to Baggerbedrijf de Boer – Dutch Dredging on Friday, August 2.

The dredger has a length of 79.95 metres, a beam of 15 metres, a depth of five metres, a draught of 4.65 metres, and two 709kW engines. It was built at Royal IHC's partner yard MTG Dolphin in Varna, Bulgaria, and has just completed sea trials.

Lesse is designed to maintain sea and inland waterways and is capable of dredging at depths of up to 30 metres.

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