Asian Shipping and Work Boat 2009 a success

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The sixth biennial Asian Shipping and Work Boat exhibition has closed on yet another high note in Singapore on Thursday February 26.  

This comes as the shipping and work boat sectors suffer a serious, but according to event organiser, Baird Events, healthy correction which will streamline the established players and weed out the johnny-come-latelys.   

"Many of the latter are likely to fail, bringing capacity and expectations back to more normal levels. That will be good for the industry, it'll clean it up and my suspicion is that we'll go back to where we were in 2005-06 or so," said Neil Baird.

Asian Shipping and Work Boat 2009 was opened by Brigadier General Tay Lim Heng, Chief Executive of the world renowned Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore.  

The show, which featured nearly 90 exhibitors from 26 companies, saw the return this year of many of the well established players in offshore and shipping. The event also involved some of the highest numbers of ship owners for an event of this type.  

"We really have the high quality people, the owners, the decision-makers, mingling with our exhibitors and this has always been a selling point for our event, year after year," said Mr Baird.  

The exhibition also saw the launch of the newly revamped  (formerly known as Baird Online), the industry's most comprehensive guide to news and information, updated daily.  

Asian Shipping and Work Boat will be back in 2011 at Suntec Singapore for the seventh instalment.  

Visitors are asked to go to Baird Events' website  

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