Probunkers makes way on LNG bunkering project

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Probunkers' LNG bunkering project is underway, with the company signing ABS to a joint development program to provide technical support.

Probunkers is designing a fleet of specialist LNG bunker vessels for key ports around the world including Houston, Rotterdam, Gibraltar, Singapore, Hong Kong, Busan and Fujairah.

ABS will work with Probunkers to provide regulatory compliance guidance for the fleet as well as define applicable rules and standards.

ABS will also identify technical and operational challenges and advise on technological solutions in a range of areas including capacity, dimensions of the vessels in relation to port restrictions, required power and speed, propulsion and manoeuvring systems.

Suitability analysis of available technologies for cargo containment, LNG handling and transfer systems and boil-off handling systems is also a significant aspect of the joint development.

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