AWARDS 2022 | Best Fisheries Research Vessel – Tarajoq – Skipsteknisk

Best Fisheries Research Vessel – Tarajoq (Photo: Greenland Institute of Natural Resources)
Best Fisheries Research Vessel – Tarajoq (Photo: Greenland Institute of Natural Resources)
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Fishing is a vital industry for Greenland. Therefore, the remote and rugged country cannot afford to make mistakes in its fisheries research.

This magnificent vessel from Norwegian designer Skipsteknisk highlights the Greenland Government's desire to ensure that they invest in the best vessel for the role.

"The weather and climate around Greenland can be harsh and challenging, and these factors influenced the design of the vessel in many ways," Skipsteknisk CEO Hans Ove Holmøy told Baird Maritime. "The external work areas for scientific operations are more adequately covered up and many of the laboratories are placed below deck in protected areas.

The designer added that, due to operation in areas with heavy ice conditions, the vessel is built with a high ice-class and a bulbous bow designed to break ice upwards.

"Designing a research vessel with all its functions is always challenging, so the solution involves defining all user-specified and regulatory requirements for the vessel up-front as well as defining some necessary compromises."

The year 2022 saw a lot of activity for Skipsteknisk despite having been adversely affected by the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

"The invasion seriously affected our activities within the Russian market," Holmøy told Baird Maritime. "While construction of already designed fishing vessels in and outside Russia continued, all new and yet-to-be-completed projects were effectively stopped. But since we are operating within different vessel segments worldwide, we have managed to maintain a high level of activity."

Commenting on the future of the marine research vessel industry, Skipsteknisk said there is an increasing need for the type of research these vessels perform since there are still many places around the world that are not adequately covered. Climate-related issues are also driving the growing need for such research.

"There is a development within marine research calling for expanded use of remotely operated craft, thus contributing to 'greener' operations of entire research fleets. This will influence the design of research vessels but the extent of the use of such craft will depend on the various operational profiles of the vessels."

As for the Scandinavian workboat industry, Skipsteknisk believes alternative fuels will become a factor that will influence both vessel design and shipowners' respective upgrade and newbuilding programs.

"We also expect a growing need for vessels to serve the offshore windfarm and oil industries in the years to come," Holmøy added.

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Baird Maritime / Work Boat World