Trawlers bound for Icelandic fishing companies

 Image: Skipasýn
Image: Skipasýn
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Image: Skipasýn
Image: Skipasýn

Two newbuild Skipasýn-designed trawlers are on their way to Iceland from the Huanghai shipyard at Rongcheng, China.

The 50.7 metre by 12.8-metre vessels, Breki and Páll Pálsson, accommodate a crew of 18 and each has fishroom capacity for 525 460-litre tubs.

Breki has been built for Vinnslustöðin í Vestmannaeyjum. Páll Pálsson has been built for Hraðfrystihús Gunnvör.

Skipasýn project manager Rakel Sævarsdóttir said the boats' 4.7-metre-diameter propellers and MAN propulsion systems will provide more power per litre than conventional vessels.

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Baird Maritime / Work Boat World