New shrimp trawler Emli Pilegaard for Skagen

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North Jutland owner/skipper Christian Pilegaard has added a newbuild shrimp trawler to the Skagen fleet in Denmark.

Named after his two daughters Emmely and Lilly, the 28-metre by 8.4-metre beam shrimper Emli Pilegaard accommodates a crew of six.

Designed by Vestværft, the half-completed hull of Emli Pilegaard was towed from Riga to Gdynia, Poland to be finished, before being brought to Thyborøn to be fitted out by Thyborøn Skibs and Motor.

Emli Pilegaard is powered by a 746kW Cummins main engine.

Thyborøn Skibs and Motor supplied the hydraulic deck equipment, which includes three 18-tonne trawl winches, single and double net drums, several smaller winches, an anchor windlass and a hydraulic system for positioning the three towing blocks. There is also a discharging crane.

The trawl gear supplied by Selstad Nordtrawl includes sorting grids to exclude by-catches, three complete shrimp trawls, and doors and clump from Thyrborøn Trawldoor.

The twin rig achieves a spread of 160 metres between the doors.

The automated Intech International shrimp factory reduces cooking and cooling to 30 minutes.

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