Vineyard Wind, Geoquip Marine to collaborate on second geotechnical survey

Vineyard Wind, Geoquip Marine to collaborate on second geotechnical survey
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Massachusetts-based Vineyard Wind has begun collaborating with survey speclialist Geoquip Marine on a new geotechnical survey of the 501 North Federal Lease Area, which will be the eventual location of the Vineyard Wind One 804MW project.

This will be Geoquip's second collaboration with Vineyard Wind after a similar extensive geotechnical project completed in 2018.

Using two separate vessels, Geoquip Marine's geotechnical experts will gather information on the ground conditions for prospective turbine and substation locations, providing necessary data to the project design.

The survey work will be done in two phases, with the first slated to begin in late May and the second to begin in late July. Work is expected to finish by September of this year.

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