US Coast Guard, NTSB join investigations into marine casualties involving Antarctic cruise ships

Viking Polaris (Photo: Freitas)
Viking Polaris (Photo: Freitas)
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US Coast Guard Activities Europe, the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), and international flag administrations are investigating marine casualties involving the death or injury of US citizens on foreign-flagged passenger vessels in Antarctic waters between November 15 and December 1, 2022.

The investigations include the following:

  • Two US citizens died when an inflatable boat from the Portuguese-flagged passenger vessel World Explorer capsized with six passengers aboard near Elephant Island, Antarctica. Portugal is the lead investigative state, and the US Coast Guard is conducting a marine casualty investigation as a substantially interested state with NTSB support.
  • A US citizen was injured when an inflatable boat from the Norwegian-flagged passenger vessel Viking Polaris sustained a keel-bladder failure near Damoy Point, Antarctica. Norway is the lead investigative state, and the US Coast Guard is conducting a marine casualty investigation as a substantially interested state with NTSB support.
  • One US citizen died and four others were injured when Viking Polaris was struck by a large wave in the Drake Passage while transiting to Ushuaia, Argentina. Norway is the lead investigative state, and the US Coast Guard is conducting a marine casualty investigation as a substantially interested state with NTSB support.
  • A US citizen aboard the Netherlands-flagged passenger vessel Plancius died from an injury sustained aboard the vessel. The US Coast Guard is conducting a marine casualty investigation in coordination with officials from the Netherlands and the Falkland Islands.

The US Coast Guard said the United States will participate and assist in the World Explorer and Viking Polaris investigations as a substantially interested state in accordance with International Maritime Organisation protocols and coast guard policy. In response to the incidents, the US Coast Guard, the NTSB, and the lead investigative states deployed teams to Ushuaia, Argentina, to commence thorough safety investigations with the goal of improving marine safety and preventing similar incidents.

Members of the public who have any information about these incidents are advised to contact

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