US Coast Guard convenes marine board of investigation into loss of crab boat Scandies Rose

Photo: Scandies Rose official Facebook page
Photo: Scandies Rose official Facebook page
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The US Coast Guard has convened a marine board of investigation into the loss of the crab boat Scandies Rose and five of its seven crewmembers in Alaskan waters on December 31, 2019.

Upon completion of the investigation, the board will issue a report to the commandant of the coast guard with the evidence collected, the facts established and its conclusions, and recommendations.

The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) is participating alongside the coast guard in its investigation, but will produce an independent report with its own findings.

Scandies Rose is believed to have ended up at a depth of 50 metres some eight kilometres off Sutwik Island. Only two of the vessel's crew were successfully rescued during the subsequent search and rescue (SAR) operation that covered an area of more than 3,600 square kilometres.

The coast guard called off the search for the five missing fishermen at around 18:00 local time on January 1.

The exact cause of the sinking remains unknown.

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