Australian marine renewables companies launch industry taskforce

The CETO 6 Project, located offshore Garden Island, Western Australia Image: Carnegie Clean Energy
The CETO 6 Project, located offshore Garden Island, Western Australia Image: Carnegie Clean Energy
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[/media-credit] Image: Carnegie Clean Energy – The CETO 6 Project, located offshore Garden Island, Western Australia
[/media-credit] Image: Carnegie Clean Energy – The CETO 6 Project, located offshore Garden Island, Western Australia

Australia's marine energy companies have united in an industry taskforce to advance the commercialisation of marine renewable technologies.

Tidal and wave energy developers Atlantis Resources, Bombora Wave Power, BioPower Systems, MAKO Tidal Turbines, Open Hydro, Protean Energy, Tenax Energy, Wave Rider and Wave Swell Energy have launched the Australian Marine Energy Taskforce (AMET).

In the last two years, a relatively small number of companies have spent over AU$24.5 million (US$19.3 million) developing their marine technologies. According to AMET, a further AU$46 million expenditure is planned by these developers in the next two years.

"The launch of our industry body coincides with the recent announcement of a federal government Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA)-funded AU$5.85 million project to map Australia's tidal energy potential, the Western Australia Government's AU$19.5 million commitment to develop a wave energy centre in Albany and completion of the Wave Energy Atlas by CSIRO," said Stephanie Thornton, AMET Honorary Secretary.

"This state and federal government support underpins Australia's commitment to embrace marine energy as part of Australia's renewable energy mix. These publicly funded initiatives will provide scientific validation of the energy potential from Australia's wave and tidal resources."

AMET is working to produce a commercialisation plan which will define specific actions needed to lower the barriers to development and, "bring marine energy to maturity in Australia". These three initiatives form the building blocks toward preparing a commercialisation strategy.

AMET hopes the action plan will lead to commercial application of wave and tidal energy technologies in local energy generation projects, reduce costs and expand export market opportunities.

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