Annual dredging wraps up at Australia’s Weipa Port

Photo: NQBP
Photo: NQBP
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Australian port operator North Queensland Bulk Ports Corporation (NQBP) has completed maintenance dredging at the Port of Weipa for the year 2023.

The 45-day works were undertaken by the Port of Brisbane Corporation-owned trailing suction hopper dredger Brisbane and its supporting vessels.

Around 780,000 cubic metres of natural sediment was removed from the Port of Weipa and placed at the approved Dredge Material Placement Area (DMPA) in Albatross Bay.

NQBP said the maintenance dredging was conducted in line with all approvals and permits, including a range of strict environmental conditions. Environmental monitoring and management measures were implemented throughout the campaign to minimise the risk of any potential impacts on the marine environment.

NQBP has managed the annual maintenance dredging program at the Port of Weipa for more than 30 years.

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