AWARDS 2019 | Best Delivery Service – International Maritime Services (IMS)

AWARDS 2019 | Best Delivery Service – International Maritime Services (IMS)
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Best Delivery Service – International Maritime Services (IMS)

IMS (International Maritime Services) has been in business for 35 years and has grown from being a small West Australian based ship deliverer to a truly global supplier of a range of ship operating services. In addition to its traditional ship delivery operations, IMS has become renowned for its training and ship management services and for the conduct of sea trials. Renowned for the high quality professionalism of all its people, IMS is very widely respected among the world's maritime industries.

"Our team!" said IMS Managing Director Brendan Cooley, when asked what differentiates IMS' services. "I look out the window and see a fantastic, committed team who work collaboratively with our customers to ensure a bespoke offering that suits their unique circumstances. An IMS managed vessel sails or arrives in port every six days on average, and there's no 'cookie cutter', solution to ship delivery. The IMS team and crew are always delivering our high quality service to our customers.

"Ship delivery is much more sophisticated than simply employing crew, and there are only a small number of players on the world stage. IMS is the only ship delivery specialist with an AMSA Document of Compliance and whose project management is underpinned by triple ISO accreditation. Compliance with law is the minimum standard, so it's our instilled culture of safety, compliance, going above and beyond, and always 'doing the right thing' that differentiates us from the competition.

"We also have developed meaningful partnerships with customers and suppliers across our value chain which support our team in providing IMS' unique, award-winning solution."

In addition to ship delivery, IMS provides crew for sea trials, training and long-term ship and crew management contracts. It has just moved to modern premises on the waterfront in Fremantle. Cooley said the new facility would underpin opportunities identified as part of IMS' strategic growth.

"Technology is playing a more pivotal role in supporting our operations," he added. "We have bespoke safety management software augmented by portable satellite data services coming online in early 2020 which will enhance safety and efficiency across our fleet.

"The maritime industry tends to be ambivalent toward climate change. We are leaders in our field in sustainability by introducing a Lloyds approved carbon offset program in 2012 that has offset carbon emissions from burning more than two million litres of marine gas oil. We plan to extend our environmental sustainability initiatives to further reduce our carbon footprint and contribute to local NFPs"

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