Work Boat World

Voyages of Discovery: A Visual Celebration of the Greatest Natural History Expeditions

Baird Maritime


Author: Tony Rice
Publisher: Allen & Unwin

From Baird Maritime:

A beautiful book based on illustrations and paintings contained in the Natural History Museum, London. It celebrates, highlighting original material, the vital voyages of Sir Hans Sloan, Paul Hermann, Maria Merian, William Bartram, James Cook, Matthew Flinders, Charles Darwin, Alfred Wallace, and the Challenger Expedition.

Famous and important voyages of discovery all, indeed. The works of art they inspired are magnificent and, thanks to the British penchant for building and filling great museums, they are largely intact.

The Natural History Museum in South Kensington is a work of art in itself. The world is fortunate that it exists.

The ten expeditions and their leading personalities are brilliantly described here, enhanced immeasurably by the illustrations that have been well chosen from the Museum's vast store.

Ordering Information:

Allen & Unwin
London, UK and Sydney, Australia