Work Boat World

The War For All The Oceans: From Nelson at the Nile to Napoleon at Waterloo

Baird Maritime


Authors: Ray Adkins and Lesley Adkins
Publisher: Little Brown

From Baird Online:

While not a full-on World War, the wars between Britain, France and the United States and their allies from 1800 to 1815 involved at least a quarter of the globe. It was the widest ranging war in history until that time.

It was also the last big naval war under sail and in wooden ships. Perhaps the last "Romantic" war if such a thing is possible.

Despite its many setbacks, it was also the war that confirmed Britain in power over its vast empire that was truly worldwide. At the same time it ensured that Britannia would rule the waves without significant contest for a century.

This lengthy, wide-ranging, well-researched and very well written book explains well what happened in that turbulent and vitally important period.

Ordering Information:

Little Brown
London, UK