Work Boat World

Russian/Finnish cooperative plan icebreaking oil spill vessel

Alex Baird

The Finnish companies STX Finland, Aker Arctic Technology, Southeast Trading (SET Group), and the Russian companies OAO Sovcomflot and FSUE Rosmorport have signed a cooperation agreement with the purpose of developing and building a new type of oil spill cleanup icebreaker for Sovcomflot, the largest Russian shipping company.

The vessel's asymmetrical hull will allow it to use an innovative sideways movement to collect the oil in demanding ice conditions, as well as to break a broad ice band effectively. It will also be able to independently support escorting and towing tasks for large tankers in the Baltic Sea.

The vessel will be equipped with three rudder propellers with a total propulsive capacity of 7.5MW and be about 67 metres long by 19 metres wide.

"The shipyard will be chosen on the basis of the tender procedures that have been agreed with the parties of this project," said the General Manager of FSUE Rosmorport Igor Rusu at the offical signing ceremony, "however, the priority will be given to the Russian-Finnish partnership."