Work Boat World

Atlantic Ocean: The Illustrated History of the Ocean that Changed the World

Baird Maritime
Author: Martin W Sandler
Publishers: Sterling Publishing and Capricorn Link

From Baird Maritime:

A big, sweeping, lavishly illustrated populist history that covers the Atlantic "millennium". That is the period from about 1,000 to 2,000 AD.

While it looks at most of the countries that face the Atlantic Ocean, its main focus is on the United States. The author is American so that is not surprising.

Given that slight restraint, it is still an immensely readable summary of a very important thousand year period. The author covers practically every aspect of human activity over that time and throughout the whole Atlantic region.

A great reminder or refresher for the serious student of history and a comprehensive, easy-to-read coverage for those less academically inclined.

Ordering Information:

Sterling Publishing
New York, USA and London, UK
Capricorn Link
Windsor, Australia