Harbour Tugs and Operation

MOL orders LNG-fuelled tug

Baird Maritime

Japan's Mitsui OSK Lines (MOL) has awarded a contract to Kanagawa Dockyard for the construction of an LNG-fuelled tug.

Designed for ease of bunkering, maintenance and inspection, the vessel will be Japan's first LNG tug with the fuel tank mounted on the exposed deck at the stern.

MOL President Junichiro Ikeda said the new tug would be deployed by Nihon Tug Boat Co. in Osaka Bay in April 2019.

Construction is expected to begin soon and be completed by February 2019.

It will be used to further the research project conducted by Port and Harbour Bureau of Osaka Prefectural Government at the Sakai-senboku Port.

MOL is investigating various LNG-fuelled ventures including a Capesize bulker, 20,000TEU-class containerships, coal carrier and Ishin II ferry.