
NYK signs MOU to launch LNG bunkering service

Ethan Miller
NYK LNG carrier Energy Confidence

NYK has signed a memorandum of understanding with Kyushu Electric, Saibu Gas and Chugoku Electric Power for joint discussions on the commercialisation of a new business to supply liquefied natural gas as a marine fuel to ships in the Setouchi and Kyushu areas of western Japan.

The demand for LNG as a marine fuel, a practical alternative to heavy fuel oil because of its relatively low emission of air polluting substances and greenhouse gases, is expected to increase after a global 0.5 per cent sulphur cap is introduced in 2020.

Therefore, NYK and the three companies have decided to examine the commercialisation of an LNG bunkering business in the Setouchi and Kyushu areas of western Japan.

Compared to heavy fuel oil, the use of LNG can reduce emissions of sulfur oxides and particulate matter by approximately 100 per cent, nitrogen oxides by as much as 80 per cent and carbon dioxide by approximately 30 per cent.