
Navig8 takes delivery of its second chemical tanker

Tom Eddershaw

Navig8 Chemical Tankers has announced that it has taken delivery of the 'Navig8 Topaz', a 49,000DWT IMO2 Interline-coated chemical tanker, from STX Offshore and Shipbuilding.

The 'Navig8 Topaz' is the second STX vessel to be delivered under the sale and leaseback arrangements entered into with Ocean Yield.

Following delivery from STX, the 'Topaz' was delivered to Ocean Yield under the terms of the sale MOA and then delivered back to the company under bareboat charter.

The 'Topaz' will be entered into and operated within Navig8 Group's Chronos8 commercial pool.

Navig8 has taken delivery of 23 chemical carriers to date and anticipates complete delivery of its planned 37-vessel fleet by mid-2017.