
Hanjin Philippines delivers tanker pair to Singapore operator

Baird Maritime

Hanjin Heavy Industries and Construction—Philippines (HHIC-Phil) recently delivered two newbuild oil tankers to Singapore-based Eastern Pacific Shipping (EPS).

Iberian Sea (pictured) was delivered on November 13 while Levantine Sea was delivered on November 17. Both were built at HHIC-Phil's shipyard in Subic.

Each tanker measures 240 metres in length, 44 metres in width, and 21.35 metres in depth. Each is also equipped with a scrubber system to significantly reduce sulphur emissions and a fixed ballast water treatment system (BWTS).

Two more tankers in the same series are scheduled to be delivered to EPS in the first quarter of 2019.

EPS has also placed an order for an additional two tankers with construction set to begin in the second quarter of 2019.