
Hongkong International Terminals launches remote-controlled container terminal

Baird Maritime

Hongkong International Terminals (HIT) Container Terminal 9 (CT9) North at Tsing Yi has launched a remote-controlled, rubber-tyred gantry cranes (RTGC) and automated container stacking system.

Designed to enhance efficiency, occupational safety and the working environment of crane operators, CT9 North is the first container terminal in Hong Kong where all yard cranes are operated remotely and the stacking of containers is fully automated at the yard.

HIT Managing Director Gerry Yim said each crane was equipped with 58 monitoring cameras and sensors to ensure full precision and industrial safety.

The remote operation system is integrated with a database at the terminal to work out where and how the containers can best be grounded or stacked.

Mr Yim said cranes under the new system were 20 per cent more efficient and productive than manual ones.