
Gdansk’s Oliwskie Quay tender closes on January 12

Baird Maritime

The tender to update and expand Oliwskie Quay at Poland's Port of Gdansk will close on January 12.

Scheduled to be operational in the third quarter of 2020, the project is primarily (85 per cent) being funded by the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF).  

It is one of several projects being overseen by the Port of Gdansk Authority (PGA), with work to be carried out at the Oliwskie, Pieciu Gwizdkow and Ziolkowskiego quays.

The quay traditionally handles cereals, but vessels carrying general cargo and Ro-Ro ships are also handled there. Its chief asset is convenient connections with roads, railways and waterways.

The port intends to spend PLN1 billion (US$280 million) by 2020.

PGA Director of Infrastructure Marcin Osowski said the board soon wanted the port to become the key communication hub in the southern Baltic Sea.

In the first half of 2017, the port recorded the best transshipments result in its history, having handled more than 18.5 million tonnes of goods.