
Sener unveils design for LNG bunkering tug-barge combination

Baird Maritime

Spain's Sener recently unveiled a design for a semi-ballastable barge transporter (SBBT) unit for operation in Italy and the Adriatic.

The vessel will be delivered to Italy-based tug operator Rimorchiatori Riuniti Panfido upon completion.

The SBBT unit is a combination of an LNG-fueled tractor tug (powered unit) and an LNG bunkering non-propelled pontoon.

The tug will be designed and constructed as a dual fuel-driven, towing, escorting, rescue, supply, and salvage tug, propelled by Voith thrusters with 65 tonnes of bollard pull.

The pontoon will have a storage capacity of 4,000 cubic metres of LNG and 1,000 cubic metres of marine diesel oil, and it will be used for bunkering services.