
Port of Zeebrugge joins SEA-LNG coalition

Baird Maritime

Multi-sector industry coalition SEA-LNG recently welcomed the Port of Zeebrugge in Belgium as its newest member.

SEA-LNG said the Port of Zeebrugge has pioneered the development of LNG bunkering in Europe, with the world's first purpose-built LNG bunkering vessel, Engie Zeebrugge (now Green Zeebrugge), commencing operations there in June 2017.

Infrastructure for storing and transferring LNG marine fuel has been installed and used at the Port of Zeebrugge since 1987. The port is also one of the main hubs for LNG supply in the region, receiving pipelines from Norway and the UK, and vessel imports from Qatar.

The port's LNG terminal, operated by Fluxys, offers regasification and provides distribution in Belgium and across the European network in pipelines, trucks or ships. Onsite storage is equal to nine billion cubic metres of LNG per year.