Dry Cargo

WWL adds Themis to its fleet

Tom Eddershaw

Wallenius Wilhelmsen Logistics (WWL) has added a fourth Neo-Panamax class vessel, the 'Themis', to its fleet.

With the launch of 'Themis', WWL is now half way into the newbuilding order totalling eight new car carrier vessels commencing service between 2015 and 2017.

Like her sister vessels, 'Theben', 'Thalatta' and 'Thermopylae', 'Themis' is nearly 200 metres long, 36.5 metres in beam and features five liftable car decks, allowing for multiple configurations and a variety of customer cargo.

The vessel can transport up to 8,000 car equivalent units. It is a HERO-class vessel with a specially designed hull shape, rudder and bow to reduce drag and wave resistance.

On her maiden voyage, the vessel's first port of call was Yokohama.