Dry Cargo

Slipway rails constructed at Nibulon shipyard

Baird Maritime

Construction on the ninth and 10th rails of the slipway at Nibulon Shipbuilding and Repair Yard has been completed, enabling it to launch and service 100-metre-long vessels.

About 10,000 tonnes of stones and gravel were used for the work at the Mykolaiv–based Ukrainian shipyard, which included constructing the tug-shaped control room, laying six kilometres of cabling and reinforcing the 56- by 25-by two-metre launch tracks and concrete rails.

When the slipway is complete, the shipyard will be able to launch 140-metre vessels, such as the self-propelled P-140 project cargo vessel with two cranes, 10,000-tonne cargo capacity.

The P-140 vessel is scheduled for launch on July 1, 2019.