Dry Cargo

Seanergy Maritime to acquire two additional Capesize vessels

Baird Maritime

Athens-based dry bulk vessel operator Seanergy Maritime Holdings Corporation has entered into agreements with unaffiliated third parties to purchase two Capesize vessels.

Following their delivery in the second quarter of 2021, the size of the Seanergy Maritime fleet will increase to 14 Capesize vessels with an aggregate cargo capacity of approximately 2.5 million DWT.

The vessels were built in Japan in 2010 and 2013, respectively. The 2010-built, 182,000DWT vessel will be renamed Patriotship and the 2013-built, 176,000DWT vessel will be renamed Flagship.

The special survey and ballast water treatment system installation for both vessels were completed recently by the current owners. Moreover, Patriotship is fitted with an exhaust gas cleaning system.

The aggregate purchase price for the two vessels is approximately US$55 million.