Dry Cargo

Seanergy Maritime awarded new time charters, one extension

Baird Maritime

Athens-based dry bulk company Seanergy Maritime Holdings Corporation has been awarded new time charter agreements by two operators in addition to securing an extension on an existing charter.

The Capesize vessel Fellowship has been fixed on a time charter with UK-based global mining company Anglo American for a minimum of 12 months and a maximum of 15 months. The charter will commence early in the second quarter of 2021.

The Capesize vessel Geniuship has been fixed on a time charter with Pacbulk Shipping of Singapore for a term of approximately 11 to 14 months. This will also commence early in the second quarter of 2021.

Seanergy added that Pacbulk has agreed to award a second extension to the current time charter of the Capesize vessel Gloriuship for a period commencing from the expiration of the current cgarter in June 2021 until maximum April 2022.