Dry Cargo

Kawasaki delivers bulk carrier Market Cooper

Baird Maritime

Kawasaki Heavy Industries delivered a new bulk carrier to an unnamed shipowner on Wednesday, March 11.

Named Market Cooper, the 61,000DWT vessel was built jointly by Kawasaki and China COSCO Shipping Corporation at Nantong COSCO KHI Ship Engineering (NACKS) in China.

The ABS-classed newbuild has an LOA of 199.9 metres, a moulded beam of 32.24 metres, a draught of 13 metres, a hold capacity of 77,539 cubic metres, four 30-tonne deck cranes, and a crew of 25. One MAN B&W 6S50ME-B9.3 8,130kW diesel engine delivers a speed of approximately 14.5 knots.