Dry Cargo

Fesco ship sails on resupply mission for India’s Antarctica research stations

Baird Maritime

Fesco's icebreaking dry cargo vessel Vasiliy Golovnin is now sailing towards Antarctica to deliver supplies to the scientific stations operated by India's National Centre for Polar and Ocean Research (NCPOR).

The ship, which is due to arrive in Antarctica in April, is loaded with food, fuel, research equipment, and other cargo totaling approximately 1,066 tonnes.

Also embarked on Vasiliy Golovnin are a team of scientists and technicians who will relieve those currently at the NCPOR research stations, two helicopters for conducting aerial reconnaissance missions, and a self-propelled landing barge for unloading cargo.

The contract for the resupply missions was originally signed by Fesco and the NCPOR in October 2018.